
Articles Posted in Judiciary


Georgia Rules of Evidence Carry the Day in the Ross Harris Hot Car Death Appeal

              You have probably heard by now that the Georgia Supreme Court on Wednesday reversed the conviction of Ross Harris for murder for the death of his young child, Cooper Harris, who Ross Harris left in the back seat of a hot car for…


Georgia Supreme Courts Celebrates 175 Years

Oyez, Oyez! Oyez!  All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of Georgia, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God Bless the State of Georgia and this Honorable Court.  May it please the Court. Yesterday, I was honored to…


“Isn’t That a Jury Question?” U. S. Supreme Court Bores Down to the Heart of the Matter in United States v. Tsarnaev

“Isn’t that a jury question?”  As a trial lawyer who has tried 75 jury trials in Georgia, that is my default position, i.e., a jury should decide each issue of fact. Not a trial judge and certainly not an appellate court. Juries perform this task of finding facts every day,…


Whoever Wants To Serve on a Civil Jury Trial During a Pandemic Raise Your Hand~ Part Two

            I hope many of you read my last blog post “Whoever Wants To Serve on a Civil Jury Trial During a Pandemic Raise Your Hand.”    I received some wonderful comments about it, which led me to want to add a bit more to…


Whoever Wants To Serve on a Civil Jury Trial During a Pandemic Raise Your Hand

We are now one year into the Covid-19 Pandemic. And I can’t even believe I just wrote that sentence.  One entire year. I confess that when we first went into lockdown back in March 2020 (remember that?) I foolishly thought maybe the entire thing would be over in a month…


Remembering a Great Jurist and a Dear Man: Justice George Carley

We received some sad news this Thanksgiving weekend about a dear friend.  Justice George Carley had died. Many tributes are now coming in about Justice Carley. One, from Judge William Ray, (U.S.D.C.,Northern District of Georgia) touched me and let me know we had similar relationships with Justice Carley. The Georgia…


Mediation During the Time of Coronavirus

The global pandemic has caused many state legal systems to declare a judicial state of emergency. The state of Georgia is currently under state of emergency protocols that are set to last through August 11, 2020.  When jury trials will restart in Georgia is any one’s guess. I just received…


Unprecedented Times: Keeping Litigation Moving in Georgia During the Coronavirus Isolation

    Friends: To say we are experiencing unprecedented times with the global pandemic of Coronavirus-COVID-19 would be a massive understatement. I hope you and your family are well, staying safe and healthy and weathering this storm. I am continuing working on all of my cases to the maximum extent…


Jury Duty: Accessible for All

A neat thing happened last week in DeKalb County State Court as I was striking a jury. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed it or appreciated it, but I certainly did. The judge had called in 60 potential jurors to go through “voir dire,” or jury selection, in my…

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