
Articles Posted in jury trial


The Key to the Courthouse Door: The Critical Role of Contingency Fees in Our Civil Justice System

Often, when there has been a string of trial victories for the plaintiff, the defense bar overreacts and calls for a wholesale change in our Civil Justice System. This often includes a feigned outrage over plaintiff’s attorneys’ contingency fees, as if how a plaintiff’s attorney is paid for their success…


Mediation During the Time of Coronavirus

The global pandemic has caused many state legal systems to declare a judicial state of emergency. The state of Georgia is currently under state of emergency protocols that are set to last through August 11, 2020.  When jury trials will restart in Georgia is any one’s guess. I just received…


“We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Get Paid” and Other Slogans Used by TV Advertisers

I have been recovering from hip replacement surgery (my second) these last two weeks and have watched a lot of daytime television while keeping my leg elevated and ice on my hip.  Although I have enjoyed the short sabbatical, I hate that it came only through the necessity of having…


DeKalb Jury Returns Verdict of $2.35 Million in Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Trial

I am proud to report that after a three week, hard-fought trial in DeKalb County State Court, a jury returned a verdict in favor of my client for $2.35 Million in a medical malpractice wrongful death case. I will blog more about this shortly, but wanted to share with my…


I Was Just Put On a Jury. Why Am I Here?

I was just put on a jury in a case that seems pretty clear cut.  So why am I here? Why is there a trial? Many jurors may find themselves thinking this in a case in which the defendant is clearly at fault and the plaintiff is clearly injured. Most…


The Overwhelming Emotion of a Trial

Recently, I was in a courtroom in Fulton County, Georgia watching a medical malpractice trial.  I was not involved in the trial; I was just a trialwatcher. When I have time, I still enjoy watching trials, both civil and criminal, for the real life drama on display. No movie or…


Am I Safe Walking in a Crosswalk?

Every day as I travel down Edgewood Avenue in Downtown Atlanta in the middle of Georgia State University, some pedestrian, without fail, decides to take a risk and walk out in front of either my car or another car as I watch. The only time this doesn’t happen is when…


Why me? How Did I Get Summoned for Jury Duty?

As I work at my desk in my office today, I have the voir dire (jury selection) in the retrial of Ray Tensing livestreaming on one of my monitors. Some folks have called jury selection the most boring part of any trial, but it may very well be the most important,…


Will Wells Fargo Customers Get Their Day in Court?

The news, even for the most jaded of us, was shocking:  Wells Fargo employees had created thousands of fraudulent bank accounts in their own customers’ names, without their customers’ permission or knowledge, so that employees could receive bonuses for opening a certain number of new accounts. These unscrupulous employees would…

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